Binary Tree Expression Solver - עץ בינארי - מחשבון

עץ בינארי שפותר ביטוי כמו מחשבון.
לדוגמה, נקח ביטוי הזה:(((4-2)-1) + (4*(7+6)))+ / \ - * / \ / \ - 1 4 + / \ / \ 4 2 7 6נגדיר מחלקה:namespace Tree { public class Node { private Node left; private Node right; private string Value; private Stackהרצה:stack = new Stack (); public Node(char op, Node l, Node r) { left = l; right = r; Value = op.ToString(); } public Node(string value) { // Leaf nodes have no left or right subnodes left = null; right = null; Value = value; } // Solves a tree public int Solve() { string a, b; // Temporary placeholders for popped values string[] tokens = Postfix().Split(' '); // Tokenize the postfix output foreach (string e in tokens) { switch (e) { case "+": b = stack.Pop(); a = stack.Pop(); stack.Push(Convert.ToString(Convert.ToInt16(a) + Convert.ToInt16(b))); break; case "-": b = stack.Pop(); a = stack.Pop(); stack.Push(Convert.ToString(Convert.ToInt16(a) - Convert.ToInt16(b))); break; case "/": b = stack.Pop(); a = stack.Pop(); stack.Push(Convert.ToString(Convert.ToInt16(a) / Convert.ToInt16(b))); break; case "*": b = stack.Pop(); a = stack.Pop(); stack.Push(Convert.ToString(Convert.ToInt16(a) * Convert.ToInt16(b))); break; case "%": b = stack.Pop(); a = stack.Pop(); stack.Push(Convert.ToString(Convert.ToInt16(a) % Convert.ToInt16(b))); break; default: stack.Push(e); break; } } // Value left over is the result of the expression return Convert.ToInt16(stack.Pop()); } public string Postfix() { string res = ""; if (this.left != null) // If node is not a leaf, then recurse { res += this.left.Postfix() + " "; res += this.right.Postfix() + " "; } res += this.Value; return res; } } } static void Main(string[] args) { Node root = new Node('+',new Node('-',new Node('-',new Node("4"),new Node("2")),new Node("1")), new Node('*',new Node("4"), new Node('+',new Node("7"), new Node("6")) )); Console.WriteLine("Solution is:\t" + root.Solve()); Console.ReadKey(true); }